Sunday, February 15, 2015

People wonder why...???

It's been awhile since i've blogged, but blogs are meant for those who seek to speak their minds, so shall I.

Here we go...
Religion! Here's how i stand on the issue and why. I gave a chance to a church and religion that is not of my belief. I was raised Lutheran and living where i do, there are no Lutheran churches in sight. So i went, gave it a chance, and saw right away that it wasn't going to work for my family or me.
It's full of wonderful people, no doubt about that. It also harbors a little judgement whether they see it or not. When you proceed to stop speaking to someone because you aren't "like them" thats judging. When you hear that you have been talked about when you aren't around...thats judging. Because i choose not to live the life they live...i am judged.
I'm sorry but that is not OK in my book. We all have our own way of living but trying to change someones life when they don't want to change it then shunning them out when they tell you otherwise.....that to me is not the christian thing to do. What have i ever done to you? Who are you to point a finger at me and tell me i am a sinner living a sinful life because i like and do things YOU dont approve of. What happened to "love thy neighbor"? I try to be a fairly open person about things and try certain things, but when something like this happens, i'm sorry i will call you out on it. Nothing you do make you any different than me or anyone else.

Recently, i was told i fell into a category of the "sick and twisted" individuals that went to watch 50 shades of grey. OH lord have mercy how i would have liked to REALLY speak my mind to those people. A few of them i have and i dont regret doing so. Its ok for them to say what they want and feel how they want to feel, but by damn you better not disagree with them because you are going straight into the pits of hell.
If I am for reading a book and seeing a move with SEX, then so be it. i will join the MILLIONS of others that see and read the same thing. Does this make me a sinner? least i dont think it does. Does this make me a bad person> NO....despite popular belief i am quite the opposite...until you piss me off anyways. There is only so much soap box preaching and finger pointing i can take before i explode and it becomes my turn to speak my mind.

Hate me if you will, but its no ones place to tell you your a sinner and tell you your a horrible person and put you into a category....thats judging. It can be called whatever to make it sound sweet and innocent, but at the end of the day "thou shalt not judge"